FAC 的日落公园公寓和图书馆是一个拥有 50 个单元的八层经济适用住房项目,位于布鲁克林日落公园,拥有现代化且扩建的公共图书馆空间。这一新开发项目于 2022 年 8 月竣工,满足了社区对经济适用房的迫切需求。 (有关需求的更多详细信息,请参阅 FAC 的 2020 年日落公园住房报告 这里)。其中 49 个单元面向收入在地区中位收入 30% 至 80% 之间的低收入和中等收入居民。八个单位获得第 8 条补贴。
The historic project, the first of its kind in New York City, establishes a new development model under which the creation of 100% affordable housing is paired with new and expanded public library facilities. The project is part of an innovative partnership between FAC and BPL, along with New York State Homes and Community Renewal and the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, and provides the first new affordable housing for families in Sunset Park in 20 years. The Sunset Park project along with Brooklyn Heights Library, which opened in 2022, serve as examples of successful models for co-located housing. The preexisting Sunset Park library branch was one of the most heavily used in New York City, but the previous library building had outlived its useful life. This project is not only introducing modern library facilities but will nearly double the size of the previous branch to 20,000 square feet.