Fifth Avenue Committee (FAC)

Advancing economic, social, and racial justice in New York City through affordable housing, grassroots organizing, policy advocacy, and transformative education and social services.

Watch our 45th Anniversary Video

Together, we advance economic, social, and racial justice in our communities

Fifth Avenue Committee (FAC) works to transform the lives of over 5,500 low- and moderate-income New Yorkers annually so that we can all live and work with dignity and respect while making our community more equitable, sustainable, inclusive, and just.


Do you have questions about court hearings? ICE Appointments? Asylum? Every Wednesday, South Brooklyn Sanctuary and Fifth Avenue Committee will host an Immigration Rights Workshop that will share information about the legal system that you can take back to your community. Join us at the FAC Community Center located at 621 DeGraw Street, Brooklyn NY, 11217.

Join Neighbors Helping Neighbors' (NHN) Intro to Homebuying Workshop on Wednesday, February 5th from 7 PM to 8:30 PM. NHN will be joined by Michael Alamia of Citibank and realtor Rashèedah (RB) Brown to discuss the Homebuying process and ways that a housing counselor can help you achieve your goals.

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Join Neighbors Helping Neighbors as they host the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board (UHAB) at their Intro to Limited Equity CO-Ops Workshop on Tuesday, February 11th at 6 PM to discuss the history of HDFC’s in NYC. These extremely affordable homes for purchase are often a great step towards affordable housing and a first wrung on the way to financial stability in this city.

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