Our Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Journey

Fifth Avenue Committee centers racial justice in our mission and approach to help create a more just and equitable NYC.  

FAC recognizes the many long-standing structural barriers that people of color—especially Black and Indigenous People of Color—face and we are committed to combating these deeply rooted systems of oppression. We have made our commitment to racial justice explicit by applying a REDI lens to ensure that FAC operates as a racially just organization and that our programs are free of systemic racism, integrate racial justice, and proactively dismantle racism.   

Our REDI Core Team

The REDI Core Team was formed in 2019 to help center racial justice in the work of FAC and our affiliates, Brooklyn Workforce Innovations and Neighbors Helping Neighborsto inform the advancement of racial equity as part of FAC’s Strategic Plan and be a key part of building the capacity of our organization and staff to do so.