Fifth Avenue Committee (FAC)
621 DeGraw Street Brooklyn, New York 11217
For general questions or inquiries contact:
Phone: 718-237-2017
Fax: 718-237-5366
Adult Education
294 Smith Street Brooklyn, New York 11231
Contact Adult Education to get connected to English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Adult Basic Education, and High School Equivalency Preparation classes.
Phone: 718-624-3475
Community Services Hotline
Contact Community Services for unemployment, SNAP/food stamps, or other benefits assistance.
Phone: 347-844-0220
FAC Tenant Services
Contact FAC Tenant Services if you are a tenant of a FAC-owned or managed building, and would like to speak to our Property Management team.
Phone: 718-499-2094
Neighbors Helping Neighbors (NHN)
NHN Tenant Services
132 32nd Street, Suite 106, Brooklyn, New York 11232
Contact for tenant counseling, advocacy, and organizing.
Phone: 718-686-7946
Fax: 718-686-7948
When sending a fax, please be sure to include a separate cover sheet addressed to the program or person intended to receive it.
NHN Homeownership Services
Hours of operation: 10 am to 4 pm
621 DeGraw Street Brooklyn, New York 11217
Contact for foreclosure prevention help, first-time homebuyer counseling, Barrio Solar, and the Landlord Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Connector Program.
Homeowner Services and Foreclosure Prevention Counseling: 718-237-2017 ext. 482 or
Homebuyer Counseling: 718-237-2017 ext. 151 or
Barrio Solar:
Fax: 718-237-5366
When sending a fax, please be sure to include a separate cover sheet addressed to the program or person intended to receive it.